Monday, March 29, 2010

Blogging Distraction #2

Thomas a.k.a. Mr Busy Pants is now 8 months old and i ALL over the place! Proper crawling, cruising the furniture with 6 big boy teeth!

Blogging Distraction #1

Yep, we've done it again... peanut is due September 26 almost exactly 14 months after their brother Thomas.
Mum and dad are thrilled but slightly apprehensive... its going to get busy around here!

Five Faves

I've been slack... and I mean REALLY Slack.
but im back now with a post to follow hopefully explaining my extreme lack of posting. For now, lets follow on with the Meet me at mikes meme -
Five Fave's

1. This band is one of my faves but this song.. the lyrics are just too sweet for words.

2. when the little man falls asleep all on his own.

3. Buttons, buttons and MORE BUTTONS ... please

4. impromptu coffee with friends and visits from family

5. all you lovely blog holders out there inspiring, energizing and entertaining the hell outa me!

see you soon! promise it won't be as long...