Friday, June 26, 2009

Heres just a few of my favorite blues....

Top left to right

1. My hubby Rob's eyes ... yeah i think he's a bit special.
2. My new notebook and Smiggle pen with a funky little dude and 6 colours!
3. Bigs and Smalls Blanket, still getting there...
4. Elephant necklace (from..
diva for $2, but i love it all the same)
5. Retro Kitchen Scales got these as a wedding gift and think they are the coolest things out
6. Glass Vase
7. Engagement Ring - Robbie designed it all by himself which makes it even more special
8. My man in his blue Canoe - flexing his muscles in a fabulous display of manliness
9. Yummy Mummy blue streak
always wanted to do something a little wild with my hair but never had the guts... until now.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finally... an update

Ive stopped playing bejeweled for long enough to turn lots of bits of fabric into a bag...
YES! a REAL bag!

I'm really quite impressed with myself.
just don't look too closely cause i still need to make the finishing touches ie: trim all those loose strands etc.

I even made a little decorative do-dat for it as well...

Next I'm up for a bit of hexing... i have soooo much pink fabric that i really feel the urge to get rid of most of it...

As pink is my most hated out of the colour spectrum, I'm making it into stuff and inflicting it onto others.. you have been warned...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bejeweled Blitz has taken over my life...

I'm obsessed... serious medical intervention may be necessary.
every time I close my eyes I can see those little gems bursting and falling.
All of my craftiness has been put on hold, nothing is being completed... and it's all bejeweled's fault!

The inspiration list is getting longer, I haven't had a chance to blog and I keep having to delete the posts on facebook saying 'Lauren is currently playing Bejeweled Blitz' because its really getting quite embarrassing...
So That's IT! no more... after this game... one minute....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

This week on My Creative Space

This week has been a whirlwind of blah.....
yucky weather, doctors appointments and cleaning... yerk.

My Creative Space.... Hmmm.

Does the baby count? Personally, I think its a project all on its own (26 days to go... Yeah!) ... but then again I am the worlds biggest whiner at the moment.

Not much going on in the way of craft, but the inspiration list is getting longer and longer!

On the weekend I bought a pattern for a little handbag, which my sister and i got really excited about and promptly cut out all the bits, but took too long so it is still in what seems like a million pieces ready to be sewn together...

the fabric is really cute and i can wait for the finished product, may need some help from someone with half a brain tho.

also, just went through the bookcase and found a mound of cooking mags to go through and get all the recipes that i like the look of to stick in my 'love to make but will probably never cook - book!'. doesn't really help that all i want to eat is chips and snickers bars....

Monday, June 8, 2009

36 days to go and counting...

i cant wait, im ready... really. like im about to rip bubba out with my bare hands ready.

Inspiration overload AKA messy crafting desk syndrome

I've got too much stuff.. I know it, comes from attempting almost every craft known to man and then some. This is my sanctuary. I come here to craft, surf the net, get ideas, read blogs, dream, look out the window, eat breakfast... well, you get the idea.

will have to present an 'after' photo shortly..

English Paper Piecing Ball

At the Brown Owls Meeting I made a ball for bubba... its awesome.
As a finishing touch i added a little bell inside for a bit of extra goodness.

Benbow promtly fell in love with it...

and subsequently tried to eat it..

Glad he likes it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

where did that week go?

I'm the type of person (especially at the moment when its really cold and I'm really pregnant) that doesn't like to leave the house unless absolutely necessary.
what a turn around this week!

Saturday kicked off with my baby shower. we ate and played games, and ate, and chatted and ate some more!

Then came the presents... oh. my. GOD! it was like a baby store miraculously appeared, I am never going to have to go into a baby store ever again, which suits me down to the ground because I do tend to have tiny nervous breakdowns at all the options.. (cant they just have one of everything?) I have the best family and friends in the world! They all put in SO much effort into the day and the generosity was overwhelming.. Thanks Guys, love you heaps!

Tuesday night went out for dinner to Amoroma with the lovely 'Leura Girls' for Casey's Birthday! the food was amazing.. I could have had my chicken pesto pasta for breakfast lunch and dinner for the rest of the month... Tilly was the winner when she ordered the second most expensive dish on the Menu, ate 90% of it and then a tiny cockroach flew in onto her plate and landed her a free meal...lucky cow.

Wednesday Rob and i met up with our friends Kat and Matt for lunch in darling harbour, even though it was piss poor weather wise, was nice to have a little 'outing'

then Thursday met some cracking people at a crafty group in Lane Cove and learnt the art of English Paper piecing! cant wait for the next meeting, but will have to see if bubba holds off that long...

don't know about you but I'm exhausted just reminiscing... really need to keep up to date with this blogging thing, but with baby brain and time flying the way it is, i seem to be loosing some focus....